Welcome to the Super-Snippet-Storage cloud library
Number of snippets: 14
Really Simple Duplications
Category: WordPress Admin
A snippet to duplicate posts and pages and CPTS.
Unsplash Media Search
Category: WordPress Admin
<p>A snippet that adds an admin page to allow you to search for, download and add Unsplash Images to your...
Elementor Container Links
Category: General
For when adding an <a> link to your Elementor container messes things up this Javascript might just save the day!...
Font Ratios
Category: General
A simple tool for calculating font sizes based on a selection of different ratios. This data can be used in...
Deactivate Some Woo Checkout Fields
Category: General
An admin interface for deactivating checkout fields. Sub Menu item can be found in your Woo menu :)
Better Breadcrumbs
Category: General
Two main customizations are made:1. Changing the label of the 'home' breadcrumb based on the current page.2. Modifying the URL...
Woocommerce Search with SKU
Category: General
This code extends the default WooCommerce product search functionality to include SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) search. When a user searches...
Convert To WebP
Category: General
<p>Snippet to convert JPG / PNG / Gif to WebP automatically on upload. Used GD or ImageMagick</p>
Address Autocomplete For Elementor Forms
Category: General
Allows you to uses Google Maps API to autosuggest an address in an Elementor Form.
WP Login Turnstile Integration
Category: General
Integrates Cloudflare Turnstile Captcha with your WP Login page
Simple Project Timer
Category: General
<p>This snippet provides a project timer functionality within the WordPress admin dashboard. It allows users to:<br />- Start, stop, and...
WordPress Simple Page Caching
Category: General
This script implements a basic page caching system for WordPress. It creates cached versions of pages and serves them to...