AI Verified


Convert To WebP


<p>Snippet to convert JPG / PNG / Gif to WebP automatically on upload. Used GD or ImageMagick</p>




Voted: 19 by 23 user(s)



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Wordpress Compatability

The author has indicated that this snippet is compatable up to wordpress version: Not Specified

Our AI bot has checked this snippet is compatable up to wordpress version: 6.1

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Last modified:


Important Note

This snippet has the following status:

AI Verified

This snippet has been tested by our AI bot, see any comments below.

AI Bot Comments:

Potential vulnerability found : Arbitrary File Deletion
Found on line : 20
Code : unlink( $file_path )
Vulnerable line : 29
Code : $file_path = $upload['file']);

Potential vulnerability found : Arbitrary File Deletion
Found on line : 51
Code : unlink($file_path)
Vulnerable line : 29
Code : $file_path = $upload['file']);

Found 2 vulnerabilities

Convert To WebP

2 * Convert Uploaded Images to WebP Format
3 *
4 * This snippet converts uploaded images (JPEG, PNG, GIF) to WebP format
5 * automatically in WordPress. Ideal for use in a theme's functions.php file,
6 * or with plugins like Code Snippets or WPCodeBox.
7 *
8 * @package WordPress_Custom_Functions
9 * @autor Mark Harris
10 * @link
11 *
12 * Usage Instructions:
13 * - Add this snippet to your theme's functions.php file, or add it as a new
14 * snippet in Code Snippets or WPCodeBox.
15 * - The snippet hooks into WordPress's image upload process and converts
16 * uploaded images to the WebP format.
17 *
18 * Optional Configuration:
19 * - By default, the original image file is deleted after conversion to WebP.
20 * If you prefer to keep the original image file, simply comment out or remove
21 * the line '@unlink( $file_path );' in the wpturbo_handle_upload_convert_to_webp function.
22 * This will preserve the original uploaded image file alongside the WebP version.
23 */
25add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'wpturbo_handle_upload_convert_to_webp');
27function wpturbo_handle_upload_convert_to_webp($upload) {
28 if ($upload['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $upload['type'] == 'image/png' || $upload['type'] == 'image/gif') {
29 $file_path = $upload['file'];
31 // Check if ImageMagick or GD is available
32 if (extension_loaded('imagick') || extension_loaded('gd')) {
33 $image_editor = wp_get_image_editor($file_path);
34 if (!is_wp_error($image_editor)) {
35 $file_info = pathinfo($file_path);
36 $dirname = $file_info['dirname'];
37 $filename = $file_info['filename'];
39 // Create a unique file path for the WebP image
40 $def_filename = wp_unique_filename($dirname, $filename . '.webp');
41 $new_file_path = $dirname . '/' . $def_filename;
43 // Attempt to save the image in WebP format
44 $saved_image = $image_editor->save($new_file_path, 'image/webp');
45 if (!is_wp_error($saved_image) && file_exists($saved_image['path'])) {
46 // Success: replace the uploaded image with the WebP image
47 $upload['file'] = $saved_image['path'];
48 $upload['url'] = str_replace(basename($upload['url']), basename($saved_image['path']), $upload['url']);
49 $upload['type'] = 'image/webp';
51 // Optionally remove the original image
52 @unlink($file_path);
53 }
54 }
55 }
56 }
58 return $upload;



  • L

    7 months ago

    Is it possible to add the IPTC fields of the original file (jpg) to the converted file in the database, or to get the wp_post ID of the new file?
  • L

    7 months ago

    wp_get_attachment_metadata not working.
  • 3 months ago

    It doesn't work for me anymore, it used to work
  • R

    2 months ago

    It not manage name duplication but override the file
  • R

    2 months ago

    Fixed the wrong overwriting error editing line 40 ($new_file_path = $dirname . '/' . $filename . '.webp';) with these two lines:
    				$def_filename = wp_unique_filename($dirname, $filename . '.webp' );
                    $new_file_path = $dirname . '/' . $def_filename;
  • MH

    1 month ago

    @Rightnow I have updated the original code with your change. Thanks :)
  • DM

    2 days ago

    Great work Mark, much appreciated!

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