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Show 'NEW' Badges for Recently Added Items in WooCommerce


This code snippet adds a "NEW!" badge to products in WooCommerce, indicating that they are newly added. The badge is displayed both on the product archive pages and the single product template for a specified period (in this case, 10 days) after the product's creation date.




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How to Setup Snippet

Simply copy the pre-coded solution to your active child theme’s functions.php or preferably the Code Snippets Plugin.



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Wordpress Compatability

The author has indicated that this snippet is compatable up to wordpress version: 6.4

Our AI bot has checked this snippet is compatable up to wordpress version: 6.1

Code Snippet Plugin Sync

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Download this snippet by clicking the download button, then head over to the Code Snippet Plugin settings in your wordpress admin dashboard, select the import menu then upload this file to import into your wordpress site.

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Show 'NEW' Badges for Recently Added Items in WooCommerce

2 * Snippet Name: Show 'NEW' Badges for Recently Added Items in WooCommerce
3 * Snippet Author:
4 */
6// Show the NEW badge on the archive loop item
7add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'ecommercehints_product_archive_new_badge', 1 );
8function ecommercehints_product_archive_new_badge() {
9 global $product;
10 $days_to_show = 10; // Show the new badge for 10 days
11 $product_published_date = strtotime( $product->get_date_created() );
12 if ( ( time() - ( 60 * 60 * 24 * $days_to_show ) ) < $product_published_date ) {
13 echo '<span class="onsale">' . 'NEW!' . '</span>'; // The "NEW!" text with the sale badge styling
14 }
17// Show the NEW badge on the single product template
18add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'ecommercehints_single_product_new_badge', 3 );
19function ecommercehints_single_product_new_badge() {
20 global $product;
21 $days_to_show = 10; // Show the new badge for 10 days
22 $product_published_date = strtotime( $product->get_date_created() );
23 if ( ( time() - ( 60 * 60 * 24 * $days_to_show ) ) < $product_published_date ) {
24 echo '<span class="onsale">' . 'NEW!' . '</span>'; // The "NEW!" text with the sale badge styling
25 }


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