Welcome to the tunity cloud library
Number of snippets: 9
Remove unwanted dashboard widgets
Category: WordPress Admin
This snippet removes unnecessary widgets from the WordPress dashboard, keeping it clean and uncluttered.
by tunity
Custom Login Logo
Category: Styling
This snippet allows you to replace the default WordPress login logo with your own custom logo.
by tunity
Disable Admin Bar for Non-Admins
Category: WordPress Admin
This snippet disables the admin bar for users who are not administrators, providing a cleaner user experience for non-admin users.
by tunity
Enable SVG Uploads
Category: Performance
This snippet enables the ability to upload SVG files to the WordPress media library.
by tunity
Increase Excerpt Length
Category: General
This snippet increases the default excerpt length for post excerpts in WordPress.
by tunity
Disable WordPress Auto-Paragraph
Category: General
This snippet disables the automatic addition of paragraph tags by WordPress in post content and excerpts.
by tunity
Add Custom Image Sizes
Category: Performance
This snippet allows you to define custom image sizes that can be used throughout your WordPress site.
by tunity
Enqueue Google Fonts
Category: Performance
This snippet adds Google Fonts to your WordPress site, giving you more options for font styling.
by tunity
Register Custom Widget Areas
Category: WordPress Admin
This snippet allows you to create custom widget areas that can be used throughout your WordPress site.
by tunity