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CSS Pulse Border Effect

Added: 2 years ago

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Animates css border that pulses.

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


Empty WP Trash in 5 days

Added: 2 years ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Set the number of days to purge items marked as trash in the database. This will happen every 5 days. You can change the 5 to any number such as 7 days for weekly and 30 days for monthly.

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


Disable WP Address and Site URL fields in admin

Added: 2 years ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Block clients from touching the WP address and Site URL in the admin settings


AI Verified


Add Media Library to Elementor Finder

Added: 2 years ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Add the Media Library to the Elementor Finder