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WooCommerce Remove View Cart Button From Mini Cart

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet allows you to remove the View Cart button from the mini-cart, forcing your users to proceed straight to the checkout skipping an entire step in the sales funnel. If you are based outside...


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WooCommerce Change Product Links On Grouped Products

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

If you have grouped products set up on your site, you’ll notice the table which is output to the right of product image links all of the products which make up this grouped product. The exception bein...


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WooCommerce Remove Header From Checkout

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippet allows you to remove the header from your checkout page. Why do this? Well, you’ll know from our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) course that plenty of people will abandon your checkout...


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WooCommerce Remove Footer From Checkout

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

Removing the footer from the checkout page is important if you want to reduce exit points and increase conversions. Remember, the more distractions and exit points the checkout has, the more likely th...


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WooCommerce Remove Coupon Code Field From Cart

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippet allows you to remove the coupon code form field from only the cart page – leaving it on display on the checkout.


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WooCommerce Redirect Product Links On Archive Page

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet stops the user from being able to the view the single product template and instead redirects them to a user defined URL. In this specific example, we redirect users to our guides page if...


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WooCommerce Show Product Attribute On Archive Loop Items

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet allows you to get the WooCommerce product attributes and output them on the product archive loop items below the product name. In this particular example, we output the “color” product at...


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WooCommerce Show Products Ordered In My Account Orders Table

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippets allows you to add a custom column to the Orders table under My Account which will be populated with products from the order. Implementing this snippet allows your customers see from a to...


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WooCommerce Confirm Email On Registration Form

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippet generates a new custom field on the registration form which asks the user to confirm their email address (enter it a second time). By asking the user to confirm their email address, mista...


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WooCommerce Custom Checkbox On Product

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippet generates a custom checkbox on the product page, which if checked, adds meta to the order. You’ll notice if the checkbox is ticked and the product is added to the cart and purchased, the...