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WooCommerce Move Product Category Description Below Product Loop

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet will allow you to move your product description below the loop of products.


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WooCommerce Change User Role After Purchase

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet will automatically change the role of users who complete a purchase for specific products. Specific to this example, is any one of the three product IDs defined in the code are in the oth...


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WooCommerce Show Custom Content Between Title And Price

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This guide shows you how you can display custom content between the product title and the price on the WooCommerce Product Page. You may wish to let customers know of a sale or promotion running and w...


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WooCommerce Show Custom Content Below Product Meta

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippet allows you to display custom content below the product meta. Product meta being the SKU, categories and tags the product belongs to. You may wish to output additional meta which has less...


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WooCommerce Show Custom Content Above Product Meta

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet allows you to display custom content above the product meta. Product meta being the SKU, categories and tags the product belongs to. You may wish to output more important meta data using...


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WooCommerce Show Custom Content Between Short Description And Add To Cart

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

In this guide, we show you how you can display custom content between the short description and add to cart button. Sure, you could just add additional content to the short description meta box, but h...


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WooCommerce Show Customer Addresses On Thank You Page For Guest Checkouts

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

WooCommerce thank you page not showing customer details like the Billing Address and Shipping Address? It may be because the user is not logged in and checking out as a guest! By default, WooCommerce...


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WooCommerce Show Custom Content Between Price And Short Description

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 2 months ago

This snippet allows you to show custom content between the price and short description on the WooCommerce Single Product Template. You may wish to display some sort of guarantee, sale or promotion and...


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WooCommerce Call For A Price

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet removes all instances of the Add To Cart button whatever the product type (Simple, Grouped, Variable, External) then displays a new button on both the product archive loop items and the s...


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WooCommerce Remove Checkout Button From Mini Cart

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This guide shows you how you can remove the checkout button from the mini cart, forcing users to view their cart before proceeding to the checkout. You may find the button still appears after implemen...