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Images Mono to Colour on Scroll

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet turns chosen images, by default in monochrome, to full colour when they reach 250px from the top of the browser window.

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


WP Dashboard Scrolling Marquee

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet creates a Scrolling Marquee on the Home page of the WP Admin Dashboard. A great little feature for web designers to put a scrolling message/advert on the dashboard. The Marquee is stu...

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


Hide "Screen Options" on the Admin Dashboard

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet hides the "Screen Options" tab on the WordPress Admin Dashboard, except for yourself. This leaves you in sole control over what info panels appear on the Dashboard. With this snippet ac...




Browser Tab Message

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet replaces the text in the Browser Tab with one of your own whenever the browser tab is not in focus.

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


Hide "Screen Options" on the Admin Dashboard

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet hides the "Screen Options" tab for all users except you. Now, you can stop clients from filling the dashboard with all the spammy junk which is generated by many plugins. This snipp...




Change Browser Tab Title When Not in Focus

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Encourage visitors to return to your site by changing the title in the browser tab when it is not in focus. You can see it in action here... https://carpetzone.co.uk/