AI Verified


Saves and shows acceptance of terms and conditions - Saves acceptance in the metadata of each order


Ingles - Saves and shows acceptance of terms and conditions - Saves acceptance in the metadata of each order Portugues - Salva e mostre a aceitação dos Termos e condições em cada Encomenda (Pedido)




Voted: 1 by 1 user(s)

How to Setup Snippet

The code was made to be used in Woocommerce, and is in Portuguese. Just translate and put the data in another language, respectively: ('Aceites') and ('Termos & Condições') Ingles - ('Accepts') and ('Terms & Conditions')



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Wordpress Compatability

The author has indicated that this snippet is compatable up to wordpress version: 6.1

Our AI bot has checked this snippet is compatable up to wordpress version: 6.1

Code Snippet Plugin Sync

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Download this snippet by clicking the download button, then head over to the Code Snippet Plugin settings in your wordpress admin dashboard, select the import menu then upload this file to import into your wordpress site.

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Last modified:


Important Note

This snippet has the following status:

AI Verified

This snippet has been tested by our AI bot, see any comments below.

AI Bot Comments:

Potential vulnerability found : Cross Site Scripting
Found on line : 14
Code : echo('<p><strong>'.__('Termos & Condições').':</strong> ' . $terms_status . '</p>')
Vulnerable line : 14
Code : $terms_status = ( $terms == 'on' ? __('Aceites') : __('undefined') ));

Found 1 vulnerabilities

Saves and shows acceptance of terms and conditions - Saves acceptance in the metadata of each order

2 * Store terms and conditions value within the database
3 **/
4add_action('woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta', 'woo_save_terms_and_conditions_status');
6function woo_save_terms_and_conditions_status( $order_id ) {
7 if ($_POST['terms']) update_post_meta( $order_id, '_terms', esc_attr($_POST['terms']));
10add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address', 'woo_display_terms_and_conditions_status', 10, 1 );
12function woo_display_terms_and_conditions_status($order){
13 $terms = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_terms', true );
14 $terms_status = ( $terms == 'on' ? __('Aceites') : __('undefined') );
15 echo '<p><strong>'.__('Termos & Condições').':</strong> ' . $terms_status . '</p>';


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AI Verified


Saves and shows acceptance of terms and conditions - Saves acceptance in the metadata of each order

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Ingles - Saves and shows acceptance of terms and conditions - Saves acceptance in the metadata of each order Portugues - Salva e mostre a aceitação dos Termos e condições em cada Encomenda (Pedido)